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Educators and Robotics Coaches – Sign Up to Playtest RoboCo!

Calling all educators and robotics coaches! We’re recruiting folks like you to help us playtest an early version of RoboCo, our upcoming National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded robotics sandbox game that aims to ignite player interest in STEM fields! 

RoboCo | Gameplay Trailer (YouTube)

RoboCo is a wholesome sandbox game about designing and building robots to serve the needs of squishy, hapless humans in the world of tomorrow. Assemble bots piece by piece, rigging each creation with motors, gears, and customizable wireless controls in order to conquer tricky, open-ended challenge courses where the solutions are as varied as your engineering ingenuity. A PC-first, VR-compatible release inspired by makerspace programs and robotics organizations, RoboCo is currently in-development with a planned release on Steam Early Access in 2021

Prior to next year’s launch, we’re inviting educators and robotics coaches to playtest a pre-release build of RoboCo! To get involved, simply sign up using the form linked below:

In the meantime, we’ve got plenty of ways for you to stay connected with our team and follow our development progress! Folks can visit the game’s official website to learn more and read dev blog updates from our team, which are also cross-posted to our dedicated RoboCo Facebook and Twitter pages. Additionally, we invite you to add the game to your Steam wishlist, and join the RoboCo Discord community to connect with fellow fans and like-minded educators!

More RoboCo insights from the Filament Games blog:
RoboCo Dev Update: Designing the Saw Log Challenge
Behind the Scenes of Our RoboCo Gameplay Trailer
The Robots Are Coming

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