< Back to Blog ray raasch January 24, 2023 // Filament Staff Ray is a passionate learner who transitioned to a team lead role after years of working as a developer in the field of educational technology. As a servant-leader, she strives to inspire and empower each individual to their highest potential.
artdesignedtechgamebasedlearninggamedesigngamedevk12localstaffinsights Filament Games Podcast Season Three We’re back – welcome to season three of the Filament Games Podcast! We have exciting things in store for you including interviews with Matthew Farber, Greg Toppo, Aaron San Flippo, and administrators from the Sun Prairie Area School District. We’re also thrilled to bring back The Retro Review and our on-air Game Design Challenge! We hope…
gamedevstaffinsights QA, Games, and AI Welcome back to our series on AI and its impact on game development at Filament! In previous installments, we’ve explored how AI is changing (or not changing) various aspects of our process, from design to A/V to production. Today, we’re investigating the relationship between quality assurance and AI. Luckily, we recently sat down with Brian…
edtechgamebasedlearningpredictionsstaffinsightsvr EdTech Predictions for 2019 As we wrap yet another year of shipping industry-leading learning game titles, we thought it would be a good time to reflect and consider the coming year – after all, as I’ve said before, things change quickly in the technology industry, and educational technology is no exception. In 2018, we’ve seen our first major educational…