< Back to Blog kellie lu April 7, 2022 // Filament Staff Kellie breaks down game genres and reassembles them elegantly. Her player-driven design is informed by backgrounds in psychology and creative writing. She loves world-building, crafting, and games where teammates support each other.
careersgamedesigngamedevhiringhowtostaffinsights How to Get Hired at a Game Studio: Game Designer Edition 2021 In our How to Get Hired series, we interview hiring managers all about their departments, their best practices for success at Filament Games, and qualities in applications and applicants that make an impression. For this installment in the 2021 reboot of this series, we interviewed Chief Creative Officer, Dan Norton! See our previous How to…
edtechgamebasedlearninggamedesigngamedevhowtok12staffinsights How to Design A Student Game Design Competition Our community of educators continually tells us that students are eager to learn about game design and coding. One way to provide students with game design experience outside of the classroom is to host a game design competition. The competition doesn’t have to be large in order for students to get an in-depth look at…
staffinsights The Summer Gaming and Reading List: 2018 Edition As summertime draws nearer, we thought now would be the perfect time to offer our seasonal gaming and reading recommendations! Compiled by members of our staff, the following list of digital games and literary experiences encompass a diverse variety of genres, stories, and aesthetics – a true hodgepodge of high-quality content. A quick note before…