< Back to Blog srivathsan prakash November 10, 2020 // Filament Staff After moving from design to engineering in college, Srivathsan finally gets to do what he loves at Filament: pull his hair out fixing bugs. Besides game dev, he likes to write rap, get outdoors, travel, and spend time with his favorite people.
staffinsights The Summer Gaming and Reading List: 2018 Edition As summertime draws nearer, we thought now would be the perfect time to offer our seasonal gaming and reading recommendations! Compiled by members of our staff, the following list of digital games and literary experiences encompass a diverse variety of genres, stories, and aesthetics – a true hodgepodge of high-quality content. A quick note before…
edtechgamebasedlearningk12 Project Roundup: English Language Arts Games by Filament Games As an award-winning game development company that specializes in creating educational games, we have developed numerous games designed to teach English Language Arts (ELA). Whether you are a teacher looking for engaging resources to supplement your ELA curriculum, a student eager to improve your language skills through play, or an organization interested in creating an…
gamebasedlearninghighered Educational Games in Higher Education One of the many things I love about our studio is the variety of clients we serve for numerous types of projects. We are able to serve such a broad variety of clients because of the way we structure our projects as a partnership. As a part of that partnership, Filament brings our best in…