Filament Games Blog

For all your game-based learning needs

Video Game Art and AI

The increasing prevalence of AI in the art world has been nothing short of controversial. From concerns about the role of human artists to questions about ownership and ethics, AI-generated art has sparked passionate debates across creative industries – and the video game industry is no exception. As AI tools become more sophisticated and accessible,…

QA, Games, and AI

Welcome back to our series on AI and its impact on game development at Filament! In previous installments, we’ve explored how AI is changing (or not changing) various aspects of our process, from design to A/V to production. Today, we’re investigating the relationship between quality assurance and AI. Luckily, we recently sat down with Brian…

Game Production and AI

In our ongoing series exploring the impact of AI on game development, we’ve been sitting down with Filament team members from various departments to learn more about how this technology is shaping the future of educational games. Today, we’re shifting our focus to the production side of things – this post is based on a…

Gaming Accessibility in 2024

As of 2023, 26% of Americans contend with some form of disability, and technological advancements have become instrumental in facilitating fuller lives for everyone. We believe that playful experiences improve people’s lives, so naturally, everyone should have the opportunity to experience gaming! As we step into a new year, let’s cover some recent and exciting…

What Does Unity’s New Runtime Fee Mean For My Project

Update Sept 22 @ 3:15 PM: Unity has significantly revamped their policy. This article has been updated to reflect the changes which have been announced here and documented here. Update Sept 13 @ 10:30 AM: Unity has publicly announced that every access of the game on the website will count as an install. Since this…

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