Filament Games Blog

For all your game-based learning needs

Educational Games and Media Literacy

There is a lot of data on the internet. Like, a lot. It comes as no surprise that not every 🔥hot take🔥 on the web can be trusted. Between the 24-hour news cycle, disinformation campaigns, and the plethora of articles shared on Facebook each day, it’s easy for anyone to feel overwhelmed while trying to…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

The Educational Games of Our Youth

Ah, sweet memories! via Giphy Previously, we’ve covered some shiny new educational games and gaming organizations that help build 21st century (future-facing) skills. From content creation to project-based learning, video games teach skills that are useful for a wide variety of careers. To further investigate how video games help us all grow, we asked our…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Student-Created Educational Games

Video game enthusiasts live in an exciting time where game development is becoming more approachable than ever before for people of all ages — games themselves have the capability to teach game development skills, such as programming and design (among other future-facing skills). Around the world, school initiatives are encouraging students to grapple with and…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer
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