< Back to Blog leah blasczyk August 24, 2021 // Filament Staff Straight out of UW-Whitewater with degrees in Math, Computer Science, and Game Design, Leah is excited to be working on games that make people smile. She never wants to stop learning and loves putting her skills to the test in game jams.
edtechgamebasedlearningk12mobile 5 Reasons You Should Be Using Games on Your School’s iPads Game-based learning is an incredible digital tool to introduce in the classroom, and if you’re an iPad-ready school, access to quality learning games is right at your fingertips. We’ve compiled five great reasons why (from the academic to the technological) you should make the most out of your iOS devices by using quality learning games.…
edtechgamebasedlearninggamedesigngamedevhowtostaffinsights Cost to Make a Video Game with Filament Games VP Jennifer Javornik offers an in-depth response to one of our most frequently asked questions – what does it cost to make an educational video game?
gamebasedlearninghealthcare Video Games as Therapy Last time we checked in on the expanding and dynamic intersection of video games and healthcare, we explored whether video games can help treat COVID-19 brain fog, an excellent example of the ways in which the proliferation of medical applications for video games is being driven by the emergent needs of our world. Today we’re…