< Back to Blog nick curto October 3, 2019 // Filament Staff Nick is passionate about games and the good they can do. He likes group bike rides, reading non-fiction, and rhythm games. Nick is a golf enthusiast but wishes the sport was more action-packed.
edtechgamebasedlearninghowtok12roboco An Introduction to RoboCo (Tips, Tutorials, and More!) Greetings, Filafolks! As of writing this, it’s been a couple of weeks since we launched RoboCo on Steam Early Access for PC. Even if you’ve been familiarizing yourself with all the game has to offer since it came out, there are a lot of features in the game that you may want to learn more…
gamedev Grassroots Reddit Marketing: A How-To Guide for Indie Devs Marketing Coordinator James LaPierre offers a step-by-step guide to promoting your game in various Reddit communities – perfect for indie or solo devs!
gamedev Roll into the New Year with Our Holiday Minigame! To commemorate the holiday season, our team put together a homemade holiday minigame starring our studio mascot Filabee…