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Resource Roundup: What’s New in 2024

Greetings, Filamentarians! As we conclude the first month of the new year, we’re thrilled to present you with an eclectic roundup of the latest and most exciting developments in game-based learning and educational technology. From 2024 edtech predictions to a list of new and upcoming game releases you’re not going to want to miss, read on for a comprehensive look at what this year has in store for the game-based learning industry!

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Take a moment to follow us on X and Facebook to keep up with everything new this year in the educational gaming industry. Also, bookmark this post so you can return to these resources with the click of a button. And without further ado, here’s a snapshot of what’s making waves in 2024!

Top Game-Based Learning Conferences to Attend in 2024

Get ready for a year filled with educational gaming excellence! In 2024, game-based learning conferences offer unparalleled opportunities for educators, administrators, and professionals. From the Connected Learning Summit’s all-online event  to the Play Make Learn extravaganza in our home state of Wisconsin, these conferences promise to deepen understanding, foster connections, and push the boundaries of game-based learning. Check out the full blog for a list of different events that will have you celebrating the power of educational games all year long. 

EdTech Predictions for 2024

Peer into the future of educational technology with us! In 2024, we predict that artificial intelligence will continue to take center stage, shaping personalized learning experiences by tailoring content to individual student data. We also surmise that blended learning environments, emphasizing accessibility and inclusivity, will gain prominence over this year. Short, focused learning sessions (also known as microlearning) that respond to modern learners’ preferences will grow in popularity, while VR and AR will continue to usher in more immersive and interactive educational experiences for students everywhere. Read the article linked above for more details on all of our prognostications for the new year! 

Gaming Accessibility in 2024

As we venture into the new year, we wanted to note the many gaming professionals, communities, and companies that are continuing to push toward a more inclusive industry. In this blog, we explore the advancements in accessibility features, from comprehensive tags on visual, audio, control, and gameplay in Sony and Xbox to initiatives like Blind Driving Assist in Forza Motorsport. Despite progress, we also address the various accessibility challenges that still persist both in-game and in real life. Discover more about gaming accessibility in 2024 and be part of shaping the industry’s future – check out the full article!

Research Roundup: The Latest Game-based Learning Insights

Delve into a treasure trove of groundbreaking studies on game-based learning published in 2023! From enhancing thinking skills in early childhood education to the positive impact of gamification in vocational training, these studies provide valuable insights for educators, researchers, and game developers alike. The stage is set for researchers to continue exploring the possibilities of game-based learning in 2024, promising exciting discoveries across diverse educational contexts.

Educational Games We’re Excited to Play in 2024

Ride the wave of excitement into 2024 with a sneak peek into the most anticipated educational games of the year. From underwater adventures to historical strategy games, these titles promise a fusion of fun and learning for players of all ages. Get ready to explore The Great Ocean, survive in Lifeforms: Binary Fission, shape history in Egypt Frontiers, and much more. This lineup of games covers all sorts of subjects and is sure to captivate curious minds in 2024!

January has been a thrilling kickoff to 2024 for the learning game industry. Here’s to a year of learning, growth, and endless possibilities! If you’re as passionate about educational gaming as we are, reach out – we’re educational game developers, and we want to hear about your game-based learning project.

More game-based learning resources:

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