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UX vs. UI Design: What’s the Difference?

Are you considering a career in UX or UI design, but are unsure of the difference between the two, or which one your interests would be best suited for? Maybe you have a product idea and are wondering if all this user-centered design mumbo-jumbo is really necessary. Or perhaps you’ve heard the terms UX and…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

5 Amazing English Language Arts (ELA) Learning Games

On the hunt for high-quality English language arts learning games? You’ve come to the right place! ✨ (Image source: Giphy) As you’re likely already aware, seeking out and identifying great ELA learning games can be a challenging prospect. Unlike math and science games when lend themselves in more obvious ways to game-based representation, designing English…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Discovery Phase: A Low-Risk Introduction to Learning Game Development

If you or your organization hopes to create a memorable learning experience with real-world impact, game-based learning may be the medium for you. No matter the subject area, platform, or type of player, there are tons of benefits to using custom learning games including: Creating an active and engaging learning experience. Building up a learner’s…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

We Want To Be Your Grant Partner

Game-based learning and nonprofits make for a dynamic duo – just like Mario and Princess Peach! Many nonprofits have a mission focused on meaningful education and action. Game-based learning is exceptionally suited to allow learners to actively learn through experimentation while deeply engaged in the outcomes of the experience. We can design games to not…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

You Are Not Wasting My Time

The other day I received an inquiry from a museum who had a creative and out-of-the-box idea. It was a smaller museum that typically curated more modest exhibits, and they had recently come upon a unique opportunity to collaborate with a well-known museum in a major city. The planned collaboration would allow them to borrow…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer

Why You Should Use Unity to Build Your Next Learning Game

Any age, any platform, and any subject – when it comes to creating world-class games for learning and social impact, versatility is key. A vital component underlying this flexibility is our studio-wide adoption of Unity, a cross-platform game engine that we use to develop all of our learning games. In order to better understand the many justifications…

Filament Games | Educational Game Developer
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