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Alyssa Froehling

Filament Games Podcast | Season 5 Episode 5 – Social Innovation Summit Interview with Amy Dinofrio

Another Tuesday, another incredible conversation with a professional brightening up the world we live in!  via Giphy If you’re joining us for the first time, this podcast series features interviews conducted by our Chief Partnerships Officer, Jennifer Javornik, at the 2023 Social Innovation Summit. Jennifer engages with a diverse range of professionals who are leveraging…

A 2023 Holiday Buyer’s Guide to Educational Games

As the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time to consider thoughtful gifts that not only entertain, but also educate! In a world brimming with technology and screens, educational games offer a unique blend of fun and learning, making them ideal gifts for both children and adults.  Our 2023 Holiday Buyer’s Guide to Educational Games…

A Look Back at our 2023 Releases

As another remarkable year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the cutting-edge projects we’ve undertaken in 2023. We’re passionate about crafting interactive experiences that not only entertain, but enrich players’ lives. This year, our commitment to our mission led us to reach new heights. From venturing yet again into Roblox game development…

Resource Roundup: 2023 at Filament Games

As we bid farewell to another remarkable year, we’re strolling down memory lane! This resource roundup brings together the highlights that made this year exceptional. From groundbreaking game releases to sharp industry insights, we’ve curated a collection of resources that encapsulate our commitment to creating impactful educational experiences. Join us in celebrating the milestones that…

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